Susie's Branding Iron, Moab — The Fattening.

Excerpts from Doug Quint's mind and waistline.


Susie's Branding Iron, Moab

Susie's Branding Iron, Moab

Top: one of my guilty pleasures is cheap Italian dressing, preferably the Kraft stuff that comes in oil barrels. 

Did you know that iceberg lettuce was cultivated specifically so that it could be frozen and shipped overseas to US troops? I think that's correct. I could be making it up. Regardless iceberg has nearly no nutritional value but hey, it's crunchy and we all need more water in our diet. I like crunchy stuff. 


Here's my 12 ounce prime rib (luckily I'm here on Wednesday, big meat night) with a baked potato, cowboy beans and FRY BREAD! FRY BREAD!

This prime rib was the best I've had in ages- look at all that glorious blood welling up on the surface. As for the other piece of glory on that plate... my first experience with fry bread was at a Oklahoma pow-wow. I went out there with an ex who had some sort of Native American lineage. Something at the pow-wow didn't sit right. In the middle of the night I woke up (I was in a sleeping bag laying on a paved parking lot- it wasn't a deep sleep) and threw up buckets of fry bread. I still crave it, so that's really saying something. I certainly don't crave another night cramped and moaning in a pop-up tent on a parking lot with a guy who would later wake me up at 3am to dump me. 


Coconut cream pie, undercooked and chronically depressed. Someone needed to give that meringue a torching; perhaps they thought I'd be distracted by the fry bread?   


In addition to eating sides of dead animal we visited Arches National Park, a strange and beautiful place that feels to me like a cemetery for prehistoric trans-dimensional travelers. Rocks and meat! The two most important food groups. I like Moab. I'll go back. 

I-80, Wyoming

I-80, Wyoming

