Excerpts from Doug Quint's mind and waistline.




Top: if these IDs won't get me verified on Twitter, what will? 

I moved to New York City in August 1989. When I look at that MSM ID I have immediate sense memories.

A boiling garbage-juice stinking cloud hung over the city that month. The heat was absolute oppression and I felt filthy the moment I stepped outside. Enduring a subway platform was like getting boiled alive in a cauldron full of urine. This sort of phenomena doesn't exist in Maine. There might be a hot stretch during the summer, in which case we head to the nearest lake, pond, river or stream (not usually the ocean- it's too cold and most of the Maine coastline is rocky. No upper state local would deal with the traffic in Acadia National Park) and deal with heat by getting submerged. Ain't no one going swimming in the Cantral Park Resevoir, East River, or that Williamsburg pool babies seem to constantly have diarrhea in. 

I wore that shirt constantly for three solid years. I bought it at the Pennywise Shop at home in Pittsfield ME. The Pennywise is sometimes a treasure trove- in the "good ol days" they even sold used underwear. I snagged the shirt for $1.25 and chopped off the arms and the collar. It was 100% polyester, and when the shirt and I encountered New York City heat I discovered that wearing an entirely synthetic piece of clothing puts you at risk of heat stroke. 

I had hair and it was big. There was way to tame my hair in that humidity. On horrible August days I can feel a phantom of that mess. I can also remember the feeling of shaving it off. 

These days in the summer I avoid subway platforms the same way I avoid watching Guy's Grocery Games. You won't catch me wearing synthetics. And you won't see my hair like that because it all fell out.  

In closing- it's much more hip to not be Twitter verified. The end. 

*I placed that multi-vitamin to block out my Social Security number. Strange to think that MSM used it as our student number and printed it on our cards.  


Edited 9/30 to add: holy crap, I found my Boston University Tanglewood Institute ID. I arrived platnum blonde but a few days later I stuck me head into a bucket of blue RIT dye.

Edited 9/30 to add: holy crap, I found my Boston University Tanglewood Institute ID. I arrived platnum blonde but a few days later I stuck me head into a bucket of blue RIT dye.

Susie's Branding Iron, Moab

Susie's Branding Iron, Moab

Donut Prince, Burbank

Donut Prince, Burbank